Custom PPE

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Made of plastic, this touchless tool has an antimicrobial coating which prevents the growth of bacteria.
Starting at: $1.50
SKU: 3216025
Prod Days: 5-10
Protect yourself from being exposed to a virus left on a door handle or keypad with this plastic tool.
Starting at: $3.45
SKU: 1808084
Prod Days: 5-10
If you want a cotton mask that can be imprinted with your logo then this fits the bill.
Starting at: $4.20
SKU: 3206013
Prod Days: 5-10
Sanitizes your smartphone or face mask with two UV germicidal LEDs in three minutes.
Starting at: $13.45
SKU: 3216041
Prod Days: 5-10
Get more face protection with this polyester tube mask.
Starting at: $3.20
SKU: 3206014
Prod Days: 5-10
This kit comes with two 3-ply face masks and four hand sanitizer packets.
Starting at: $3.20
SKU: 3206031
Prod Days: 10-15
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