Custom PPE

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With 4 layers of protection, this face mask provides better protection than most cotton masks.
Starting at: $4.75
SKU: 3206011
Prod Days: 5-10
Comes with a 3-ply face mask, nitrile gloves, and antiseptic wet towelettes.
Starting at: $4.80
SKU: 3206030
Prod Days: 10-15
The adjustable ear loops makes it easy to get a truly custom fit.
Starting at: $4.85
SKU: 3206025
Prod Days: 5-10
You get a 1 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer, a 3 layer face mask made from 95% polyester, and a clear zippered pouch.
Starting at: $9.00
SKU: 3206027
Prod Days: 15-30
Sanitizes your smartphone or face mask with two UV germicidal LEDs in three minutes.
Starting at: $13.45
SKU: 3216041
Prod Days: 5-10
You can promote social distancing at the office with this vinyl decal that sticks to short nap carpets.
Starting at: $36.70
SKU: 3216012
Prod Days: 5-10
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